ANACOM receives around 34 thousand complaints in 2008

In 2008, ANACOM received, in writing, 33,814 complaints, 421 requests for information, 123 petitions, 34 suggestions and 287 other types of communications, making a total of 34,679 requests addressed to this Authority by users of electronic communications and postal services, as well as by the general public. The overall volume of complaints increased in 2008 to the order of 36% compared to 2007. This increase is due, in large part, to increases in the volume of complaints entered into complaint books.

Complaint books were the most common means for sending complaints, representing around 75% of the total volume of complaints received by ANACOM in 2008, and representing over 97% of sectoral complaints received about the postal sector.

In line with previous years, the vast majority of complaints concerned situations connected to the electronic communications sector (79%) and to the postal sector (20%).

In terms of electronic communications, the Internet access service gave rise to the largest number of complaints per 1,000 customers, followed closely by the telephone service at a fixed location and the cable television distribution service.

In the electronic communications sector and with respect to complaint books, the most commonly cited issues in complaints were those related to equipment, technical assistance, customer services and billing. In terms of complaints addressed directly to this Authority, the most commonly cited issues were related to billing (particularly due to mistakes on bills), contracts (especially due to changes made to contracts) and technical support.

As far as the postal sector is concerned, the correspondence service gave rise to the largest number of complaints (about half of total complaints). And while the most common issue giving rise to the complaints addressed directly to this Authority were related to loss and delay in delivery of mail, the vast majority of situations cited in complaint books were related to problems associated with Customer Service.

With regard to requests received by ANACOM's Public Attendance Service, 7,319 requests were registered, of which 6,622 corresponded to complaints and the remaining 697 to requests for information. The vast majority of requests were presented using the telephone and focused on the electronic communications sector, and it is of note that most referred to the telephone service at a fixed location.


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