The objectives of the eEurope2002 Action Plan have been achieved

According to the final report published by the European Commission on 12 February 2003, the "eEurope 2002 Action Plan" was a success.

Approved by the Feira European Council (June 2000) and having as general framework the Lisbon Strategy, aiming at social economic and environmental development in the European Union, the eEurope 2002 Action Plan defined a series of actions and objectives to be met by 2002, pretending the establishment of a more competitive European economy based on a knowledge-driven society. Notwithstanding being only possible to meet this goal at medium and long term, by means of restructuring and modernization of organizational practices based on the application of new information technologies, the report now released highlights the sound bases launched since 2000.

Several aspects of this success are highlighted namely: Internet connectivity has grown rapidly, together with the decrease in the access prices, made possible that, in 2002, more than 90% of schools and companies being ?online? and more than one half of the Europeans became regular users; the adoption of regulatory frameworks applicable to electronic communications and e-business, that encourages competition and innovation; and finally, the effective increase in the use of Internet, to which public and private sectors had an important role to play, considering the increase of the number of services provided electronically. 
The "eEurope 2005 Action Plan", approved in Sevilla European Council (June 2002), constitutes the new development framework of the information society for the period 2002 ? 2005.


Office® Format - Word Document - Office®. eEurope 2002 Final Report
 The information provided belongs to European Commission.

Download file eEurope 2005 Action Plan
The information provided belongs to European Commission.

European Commission/eEurope