36th Assembly of Parties - May 2009

The Assembly of Parties (AP) of the European Telecommunications Satellite Organisation (EUTELSAT IGO) met last 13-14 May in Paris. This 36th session of the AP approved the reappointment of the current executive secretary (ES), Christian Roisse of France, to a second four-year term, as well as the membership of Montenegro, which became the 49th State to join EUTELSAT IGO.

One of the Assembly's main agenda points involved following developments concerning the new French space law and respective regulatory process. The instrument was published on 4 June 2008 and has been a cause of some concern for Eutelsat SA. The company considers that the new law will introduce operational, economic and administrative constraints, particularly regarding satellite launch operations on non-European soil. After being informed of the position of Eutelsat SA and the ES, as well as conclusions of the legal study commissioned by the IGO at the operator's request, the Assembly decided that neither the States nor the IGO should assume additional responsibilities deriving from this instrument, in line with the spirit of the organisation as restructured in 2001. The executive secretary was at the same time mandated to continue monitoring this issue, particularly to accompany the ongoing regulatory process, which should be completed in mid-2010.

The Assembly was also informed of the activities undertaken by the secretariat since the last AP two years ago, as well as the final report from the Consultative Committee (CC) to the AP, and noted the operator's compliance with the Basic Principles. It also approved the budgets for the financial years running from July 2009 to June 2010 and July 2010 to June 2011, besides endorsing the reappointment of the current external auditors (Ernst & Young).

Per a proposal by the executive secretary, a decision was made to increase by 200,000 euros the budget ceiling for IGO financing, which involved the approval of an amendment to article 4 of the Arrangement (the agreement governing the relationship between the company and the IGO). The Assembly approved the composition of the new Consultative Committee for the next two-year cycle. Portugal did not reapply formally, to favour the rotation principle. However, given the lack of new candidates, the CC ended up comprising the very same six countries, i.e., France, Luxembourg, Poland, Spain and Switzerland, as well as Portugal, which thus reconsidered its continuity. The Assembly also approved the admission of observers to the Consultative Committee. For logistical and budget reasons, a maximum of two observers will be allowed.

Lastly, a tripartite memorandum of understanding was approved, to be signed by EUTELSAT IGO with the International Mobile Satellite Organisation (IMSO) and the International Telecommunications Satellite Organisation (ITSO).

The next Assembly of Parties has been scheduled for 11-12 May 2011.