Joint Ministerial Order no. 863/2001, of 14 of September

Presidência do Conselho de Ministros e Ministério do Equipamento Social (Presidency of the Council of Ministers and Ministry of Social Equipment)


Given the need to provide the Government with analytic instruments that make it possible to define strategic guidelines for the development of the audiovisual and telecommunications sectors in the context of technological convergence:

Aware that in this context, it is necessary to uphold certain public-interest principles, such as the guarantee of universal access, promotion of diversity and pluralism, strengthening of citizenship and protection of consumer interests;

Considering that the definition of a coherent regulatory framework in the field of convergence should involve the joint action of the Instituto da Comunicação Social (Institute for the Media) and the Instituto das Comunicações de Portugal:

The following is hereby determined:

1 - The Presidents of the said Institutes are responsible for ensuring the dynamism and co-ordination of the Convergence and Regulation Initiative, that should culminate with the presentation of a set of proposed strategic initiatives in the fields involved.

2 - The Convergence and Regulation Initiative will involve a series of events aimed at collecting and analysing contributions of representatives of the different interests involved and a group of distinguished persons of recognised merit and experience in the media and communications sectors, to be appointed by a joint ministerial order of the Minister of the Presidency and the Minister of Social Equipment.

3 - A working group composed in equal parts by persons chosen by the Presidents of the Institutes will identify the relevant questions arising from the phenomenon of Convergence which should be concluded by September 30, 2001.

4 - On the basis of the document identified in the previous point, the distinguished persons to be nominated in the joint ministerial order identified in point 2 will formulate their observations and contributions by December 31, 2001.

5 - The working group, taking into consideration the different analysis produced, will prepare a document that shall be subject to a public consultation of 60-day duration, starting on February 15, 2002.

6 - The final result of this initiative shall be presented to the Government on May 31, 2002.

June 26, 2001. - Minister of the Presidency, Guilherme d'Oliveira Martins - Minister of Social Equipment, Eduardo Luís Barreto Ferro Rodrigues.