XVIII Constitutional Government - Programme

The Programme of the XVIII Constitutional Government focuses on three priority areas for the 2009-2013 legislature:

  • To relaunch the economy and promote employment;
  • To strengthen competitively, reduce energy dependence and external indebtedness, increase exports and modernise the country.
  • Develop social policies, the qualification of public service and reduce inequality.

With specific regard to the telecommunications sector, the Government stresses that «pursuing the modernisation of the technology of the economy will remain a strategic priority. With the launch of tenders for the construction of Next Generation Networks which guarantee coverage of the entire national territory with high capacity broadband; with the initiative of distributing computers to students, teachers and workers in retraining and with the training of a large part of the active population in the use of information and communication technologies, Portugal will be one of the countries making the largest investment in the transition from the information society to the knowledge society».

Likewise the programme stresses the need to «guarantee accessible broadband to all Portuguese citizens, following a universal service logic, in line with other structural resources of society, such as electricity, water and telecommunications, promoting strong and transparent competition between operators». In this respect, the Government takes the view that «the correct functioning of the market does not waive the need, especially in more sensitive areas and specifically with regard to the provision of essential services, for dedicated, independent, strong and effective regulation».

With respect to the implementation of digital television, the new Government affirms its intention to conclude «the process or putting terrestrial digital television into operation, defining the development model of the free access platform, based on a broad offer of programming services and respecting the deadline established for the switch-off of analogue services». In parallel, the Government plans to conduct «a critical assessment of the assignment of the radio spectrum freed up by the digitalisation of television signals (digital dividend) to new social communication services».

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