International co-operation

The 6th Ministerial Meeting of the Postal and Telecommunications Administrations from the Community of Portuguese-speaking Countries (CPLP) was held in April 2002 in Cape Verde, while the first International Telecommunications Workshop at CPLP level was held in Luanda in July. These were the main multilateral institutional co-operation events in which ICP-ANACOM participated.

At the level of bilateral institutional co-operation, ICP-ANACOM met in October 2002 with a delegation from the Ministry of Transports, Communications and Public Works of East Timor, headed by the minister, with the aim of defining co-operation platforms for 2003 under terms of the ?Memorandum of Understanding on the Subject of Co-operation between the Government of Portugal and the Transition Government of East Timor, in the Areas of Public Works, Transports and Communications?.

Technical co-operation undertaken by ICP-ANACOM consisted of supported provided at distance, as consultancy, and on the holding of training activities in Portugal. The aim was to develop bilateral co-operation protocols signed with the appropriate authorities in the Portuguese-speaking African countries (PALOP ? Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa) and East Timor. In this context, ICP-ANACOM organised seven training programmes held in Portugal, involving 23 trainees from those countries, which focused on the following topics: telecommunications engineering, spectrum management and numbering; sector regulation and public tenders; information systems; human resources, accounting and financial management, administration and finances, information systems, public attendance and documentation/archives; standardisation; supervision of radio spectrum; and international relations and co-operation.