Audit to PTC’s Cost Accounting System (2002-2003 financial years)

By determination of 31 May 2007 and following an audit carried out by BDO Binder & Co., ANACOM approved a statement on the cost accounting system of the fixed telephone service and leased lines service of PT Comunicações (PTC) for 2002-2003.
PTC’s cost accounting system was assessed on the basis of rules set out in MEPAT Order no. 15021/99 (2nd Series), article 34 of the Regulations for the Operation of the Fixed Telephone Service (Decree-Law no. 474/99, of 8 November), regarding the fixed telephone networks and the telephone fixed service, and article 29 of the Regulations for the Operation of the Public Telecommunication Networks (Decree-Law no. 290-A/99, of 30 of July), as far as the leased lines service is concerned, which was in force for the financial years in question.


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