ANACOM approves 13% price reduction for Mainland-Azores-Madeira circuits

ANACOM approved in a draft decision a 13% reduction in ceiling prices of circuits between the mainland and the Autonomous Regions of the Azores and Madeira (MAM circuits) charged by MEO, and the maintenance of ceiling prices of circuits connecting the various islands of the Azores (inter-island circuits), in the scope of the RELLO regulated offer.

With regard to prices of traditional circuits, in the scope of the leased lines reference offer (LLRO), ANACOM decided likewise to maintain prices in force.

Since 2015, the accumulated reduction in the maximum prices of MAM circuits has been around 95.2%, considering the reductions of 1 Gbps Ethernet MAM circuits.

ANACOM took this decision with the main aim of improving the conditions of competition in the market, with benefits for alternative operators and service providers to MEO, who need to lease these connections to develop their activity and, ultimately, for consumers in the Autonomous Regions, who are expected to enjoy a greater diversity of retail offers and under conditions similar to those available to other consumers of electronic communications services in Mainland Portugal.

New prices should come into effect on the date of approval of this draft decision, which will now be subject to a prior hearing and public consultation for 20 working days.
