Fees due to ANACOM from suppliers of electronic communication networks and services

By determination of 27 November 2009, ANACOM has approved the contribution percentage t2 at 0.005826, applicable to the relevant income of suppliers of electronic communication networks and services, under the terms of paragraphs 1 and 2 of Annex II of Administrative Rule No. 1473-B/2009 of 17 December.

Likewise, ANACOM has approved the immediate billing of the fees due in respect of the exercise of the activity of supplier of electronic communication networks and services, taking into account the alterations to the values of the relevant incomes which result from the audit carried out by the company Ernst & Young, Associados, SROC, subsequent to ANACOM  determination of 2 October 2009.

With respect to the previous determination, ANACOM will adopt a raft of measures related to the new tariff scheme in force since 01 January 2009, arising from the cited Administrative Rule, including approval of the calculation of the costs of regulation with respect to the activity of those suppliers of electronic communication networks and services which presented higher values in 2008, as well as, by sample, the others. As a consequence, the billing, whose issuance is now determined, of the annual fee due with respect to the exercise of the activity of suppliers of electronic communication networks and services, has so far been suspended.


See also: