Financial and management decisions

Approval was given to the review of Decision 5 (Income and Expenditure of the Union for the period 2004 to 2007). However, it was not possible to approve a revision of Decision 6 (Financial Plan of the Union for the period 2004 to 2007). This responsibility is therefore transferred to the Council, with Decision 5 suggesting a number of ways that expenditure could be cut in the face of the ITU?s expected deficit of 40m Swiss Francs. This shall have to be looked into by the Secretary-General (SG) and his elected team.
 A number of Resolutions have been approved in this area, specifically:

  • A new Resolution - Resolution on the implementation of results-based management in the ITU [COM6/2] ? which sets out the full implementation of the RBB system (Results Based Budgeting), with the aim that, in the future, the management of the ITU remains focused on getting results (RBM - Results-Based Management);
  • A new Resolution that sets up a new group responsible for the implementation of the financial and strategic plans, the execution of the biennial budgets, the implementation of Council decisions and for giving advice on finalising projects which were initiated in the previous four years and had been followed by the NCOG [COM6/6]. The functioning and the structure of this group will be determined by the Council;
  • A new Resolution on the financial subjects that require study by the Council, among them, the possibility of increasing the fraction of the contributory unit paid by the members of the sectors from 1/5 to 1/4 [COM 6/9];
  • The revision of Resolution 71, which provides approval of the ITU strategic plan for the period 2008-2011; and
  • The revision of Resolution 72, on linking the ITU?s strategic, financial and operational plans.

Several alterations to the Convention were approved, in particular to CV72 and CV100, with a view to improving the union's financial control.
Approval was given to a Decision - Implementation of additional corrective measures relating to cost recovery on Satellite Network Filings - which makes a correction to the mechanism for calculating the cost-recovery of satellite notifications that, by occurring during the fiscal year that has now been approved, were not subject to a decision of the PP. As a result of this decision, about 6M Swiss francs will be debited from the reserve account.
Furthermore, in the area of Satellite Network Filings there is the issue of there being unpaid invoices that arose from satellite network notifications received before January 2006 but which in the meantime have been cancelled. Despite theses cancellations, the invoice remain payable and so it was decided to ask the Council to look into the issue, given that it wasn't possible to approve a Resolution.