International Activity - updated information

Consult updated information on the latest meetings that ANACOM has attended:

Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC):

MEA EWG meeting

NGN EWG meeting - Brussels

NN EWG meeting - Brussels

Regulatory Framework EWG meeting - Brussels

26th BEREC plenary meeting and IRG General Assembly - Rotterdam

European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT):

ECC WG SE PT7 - Copenhagen

18th meeting of the Maritime Forum Group - Biel/Bienne

84th meeting of the Frequency Management working group - Cluj-Napoca

European Union (EU):

RSPG meeting on efficient use and award of spectrum from harmonised bands for electronic communication services and RSPP - London

42nd meeting of TCAM, 23rd meeting of the EMC working party and 8th meeting of the TCAM expert group - Brussels

International Telecommunication Union (ITU):

WP 6A - Geneva

Study Group 2 meeting - Geneva

6th meeting of the working group on Financial and Human Resources - Geneva

TSAG meeting - Geneva

Meetings of the ITU Council working groups - Geneva

Universal Postal Union (UPU):

Joint CA/POC meeting - Berne