ANACOM has approved a draft decision on the identification of undertakings required to contribute to the electronic communications universal service compensation fund and the determination of the contributions relating to the CLSU - Custos Líquidos do Serviço Universal (Net Costs of the Universal Service) to be compensated in respect of 2014 and 2016.
At the end of September there were more than 3.5 million Internet accesses at a fixed broadband location and around 6.95 million users who actually used the Internet through mobile broadband.
The penetration rate of telecommunications bundled services reached 90.6 per 100 private households in September, 6.3 percentage points more than in the same quarter last year.
Lack of demand for the services covered by contract for the universal service provision of the fixed telephone service does not justify maintaining the contract concluded between the Portuguese State and NOS.
Enforcement actions focused on more than 170 fishing and recreational vessels and were conducted in cooperation with Autoridade Marítima Nacional (National Maritime Authority).
ANACOM considers that service providers should arrange, upon their own initiative, adjustment of the amounts charged, by carrying out what is considered to be an imperative of fairness.
ANACOM confirmed, by final decision, that in 2016 CTT failed to comply with the minimum value set for the indicator ''non-priority mail not delivered within 15 working days'' and ordered the company to apply the compensation mechanism.
Complaints about bundles of services were the most common in the first half of the year, making up 28.4% of complaints about electronic communications.
Annual growth of 1.2% in the number of fixed telephone accesses to 4.79 million accesses at the end of second quarter 2017 contrasts with a drop of 14.1% in the number of conversation minutes.
The use of broadband (fixed and mobile) increased by 9.1% over the previous quarter and by 33.8% compared to the same quarter of 2016, comprising around 790 million gigabytes.
In June, there were 3.72 million subscribers to the subscription television signal distribution service, an increase of 3.5% (+126 thousand customers) compared to the same period of 2016.
ANACOM concluded 209 cases of breach proceedings in the first six months of this year. In 53 cases, proceedings culminated in the application of fines.
On 18 August 2017, ANACOM approved a draft decision ordering MEO to immediately cease its campaign which provides for the contracting of an additional 2GB of Internet.
ANACOM may grant providers authorisation which exempts them from the requirement to remit their contribution, where it is established that the amount of the compensation to which they are entitled is higher than the value of the contribution which they are required to pay.
At the end of the first quarter of 2017, there were around 3.42 million Internet accesses at a fixed location in Portugal, 44 thousand more than in the previous quarter.
Quintuple-play bundles with fixed and mobile broadband, fixed telephone, mobile telephone and television, remain the most popular bundles, with 1.47 million customers (41.3% of total customers).
Among electronic communications services, the mobile telephone service was the service generating most complaints in 2016, followed by bundles of services and subscription TV.